Is it a picture or a painting??
That's a question I get almost every time someone sees my work. The short answer is it's both! Everything I produce starts as a photograph. I love to start from my own photographs taken within my studio in Charleston, SC, but sometimes that isn't always the case. There are many reasons I don't always start in my studio. Either a family member or pet has passed, you don't have the means to travel right now, or you have this beautiful photograph from years ago that can't be redone simply because everyone has aged. While this isn't always ideal because of poor lighting or quality of the photograph - it is possible to have older photographs turned into a Vicenza Painting. This means you give me a photograph (whether a physical one or digital) and I digitally create and are photographically finish them. This gives the photograph a more painted look. They're beautiful and have the portrait finish that is desired.
For a full example of my different creations CLICK HERE! While it is always possible for me to create a Vicenza Painting out of your photograph - it isn't 100% possible all the time. Poor lighting or quality is a great example of things I cannot change. If you saved the picture from Facebook, for example, then the quality has already been downgraded twice. Whenever something is uploaded, you can notice how it may look pixelated. This is because the resolution changes to be presentable on that specific platform. Saving it to your phone after it's already been hindered only hinders it more, unfortunately. If you have the original (whether it from the physical photograph itself or the original iPhone/Droid picture) that is typically best and offers the best results in creating a Vicenza Portrait! CLICK HERE to see why I like to capture everything in my studio and a controlled environment vs. recreating from something else!