Storytelling Portraits are portraits that are created for a specific purpose. Let us tell your story!
Photography & fine art painting gallery in the surrounding Charleston, SC area.

Storytelling Portraits are portraits that are created for a specific purpose. Let us tell your story!
Photography & fine art painting gallery in the surrounding Charleston, SC area.
"A picture is worth a thousand words" is an English language adage. It refers to the notion that some complex ideas can be conveyed with just a single picture, this picture conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does.
A storytelling portrait is a piece created with a purpose to show a great love of something, a celebration of a grand achievement, a right of passage in life, and often a dark obstacle overcome. Life offers us all of these situations and capturing that emotion is not only important for a reminder of what matters to you but can also offer a very healing feeling - almost like closure. I could write a book on portraits I have done of people and their reasons. Some are too personal, some I would never post here on my website - some stories can just be too private... irregardless, storytelling will not leave you guessing. It evokes emotion even when you do not know the entire story. You feel it deep inside - even when you don't know the "why" and it certainly makes you want to know more.
"I love storytelling portraits and it is an honor to be let into someones deepest vulnerability. Its therapy to everyone and a reminder of the beauty life brings and the pain we all have at times."
-Maria Sampaio