This is something everyone knows, right? Every single person is different. You can share the same DNA and even be twins but mannerisms and behaviors are always different. It's what makes the world go round! There's different strengths, weakness', and you always offer something different in every situation you're in. The most rewarding part of my work is I can make beautiful artwork for your home. I have an eye for the work I capture and I can digitally paint (along with oil paint!) breath-taking portraiture. Painting oil paintings is a beautiful talent that I love and admire. It's one of my favorite things to do and I love seeing that beautiful piece in my client's homes.
These two adorable boys walked into my studio in Charleston, SC and I was able to capture the most beautiful portrait of the oldest for an oil painting. This was not only exciting because I was able to work with oils again but because it was the perfect opportunity to work with the youngest in a couple of years to capture him in the same outfit and age as his older brother! I ADORE this family and I loved working with these boys so much it makes my heart melt just looking at them. While it's the same size painting and the outfit is the same - these boys are different. They each have their own look and personality. They have different looks in their eyes. They have different smiles. They even came in with different attitudes! No matter how much I try to get the same exact portrait of them, it will always be different because they are two different boys and I love that I was able to work with both of them and celebrate both of them at the same age. It's so important to celebrate every child and to capture them as they get older. While it's sometimes sad to watch them grow; it's also exciting! You watch them grow into beautiful human beings and how they change the world for good. I love watching these two little boys grow and see them mature into such incredible boys.