No two living creatures are just alike! People have different hair color, nose shapes, eye color, and so much more! Even twins have something unique about them no matter how much alike they are! The same thing can go for dogs. Fur type, fur color, shapes, sizes. . . even littermates from the same parents and same breeds look different! No one and nothing is truly 100% identical. That's what is so special about portraiture as well is I'm capturing the uniqueness of you and/or your family. I am capturing what makes you different from another family. You have your own beliefs, life style, and history that made you who you are. That in turn made your children who they are and the life you've created so unique.
I love when I have a client in Charleston, SC that brings something that makes them a little more unique. It truly captures what they enjoy and what they love. We always incorporate it into the portrait and in the end we create your dream painting. It's not only unique in the way we captured your family or fur babies. . . it's unique in the way that it has something YOU love and cherish along side. Create a story piece that gets the conversation started! Why is that in there? I've never seen that before and I'm curious what it means to you. Below are some beautiful pieces that was created to tell a story. It may just look like 'things' to anyone else but they're a crucial and big part of the lives of the family. It was amazing to hear some of the stories I was told about these pieces and why they were so important and looking back . . . I couldn't imagine NOT having these 'extra story piece objects' in the photographs. It makes it so much more special to your heart to see that as well! It's a portrait for you with your family and something you love. It's the perfect combination!