Model of the Month is hands down my favorite session type that we offer. Why? Well, to start off - I love children and love to create perfect pieces of children here in Charleston, SC! Children say the BEST things that make me laugh and they have the cutest faces! The main reason I love the session here in my Charleston photography studio, though, is it's a creative outlet for me. Creating something that I am so excited about and no one can tell me they want "this" or "that" :) It's my way to grow as an artist and try new things that I wouldn't be able to try in other circumstances. The result is also one of a kind and something most people have never seen before! We get so many applications every month and I carefully look through each one at the pictures and decide "Okay, which child will fit this theme the best?" it comes down to eye color, hair color, and sometimes even the paragraph about the child that most parents attach! Feeling like I get to know the child a little bit before selecting them is a huge way I am able to narrow it down! I want to pick them all! Even though I would like to pick everyone, I always hand select that perfect child and bring them in! I purchase all the clothing and props. . . sometimes even a new backdrop! All you need to do is bring the child :)
Meet Aidan! He was selected for Model of the Month in March! The theme? Bring your pet! That was it! They took a leap and applied. Jojo was an absolute delight and, of course, was part of the session. When I saw Aidan - I just KNEW he was the perfect fit! Then when I saw Jojo, that was it. The perfect theme came to mind and this beautiful piece of art was created. You can't convince me this isn't perfection for these two! They fit the color scheme and theme flawlessly. Sometimes I'm not even sure what I'm going to do for Model of the Month. I'm inspired by an object, color, or pet. In this case, the idea came to me the moment I saw Aidan and his perfect face and freckles. Jojo certainly helped! That's one of the perks of Model of the Month. I get a vision and can execute it with the right child. Taking a leap and trusting someone is sometimes the best decision someone can make and that's how I hope his family feels taking this leap and trusting me to create the perfect portrait of Aidan and Jojo without much context behind it!
It went GREAT! Did it go as planned? No! It NEVER does! It was BETTER! Truthfully the theme was a child and their dog and did I achieve that? Of course! I have MANY portraits of Aidan & Jojo that are AMAZING! Now ask me.... what was your favorite? The one below!!!! (and no, it does no include Jojo) - sometimes I cant help it, I just fall in love with a face. You see, I'm a mom TOO! My children are now "grown" - at 19 and 22 they no longer have these adorable faces - they are, after all, adults. I MARVEL at children. They are, in ever sense of the word, absolutely PERFECT. They are sweet, unscathed by the world and have beautiful imaginations! So... as much as I loved working with Jojo... Aidan was where my heart ended up being... because well, how could it not be?!?! I'd give anything to see my son at this age just ONE MORE DAY! He's 22 now... and he is amazing - but it is not the same.
I love creating portraits of children. I love painting them. I would like to think the good Lord put me on this earth to make it more beautiful, fuller and richer with memories of those than mean the most to us. One day I will be gone, but my interpretation of this child will live on. It will be an heirloom that will stand the test of time... It will be enjoyed by his parents, and eventually Aidan ... and then? Well, I hope his children too! Our clients come from all over the place... just today I have clients from Mount Pleasant, Hollywood, Beaufort and Charlotte, NC! It is an honor and privileged to work on portraits for all these children, families & pets. I am very blessed.
Artistically Yours,