Picture it, Charleston SC, A Charleston Santa Experience, 2021 -
You're watching your kids giggle and smile with Santa. He's saying he'll have to see if they're on the nice list later (dad chimed in that he's not so sure . . . ) and the elves are moving the table out of the way just to ask the kiddos "Hey! Does mom & dad let you climb ladders at home???" You smile, unsure of what comes next, but shake your head yes! The kids eyes light up and the smile is so big that you don't think it'll ever come off! The pure joy on their face is sending butterflies through your heart! With that, a real life ladder is placed in front of the kids and they climb up. An elf hands them a magical paintbrush and says "Now . . . I want you to wave this riiiiiiiiight at Santa!" and they do. They're smiling, waving the magical paintbrush around, and Santa is doing the same! They're asked if they saw the magic . . There was sparkles and glitter after all! They gleam and shake their head yes!!!!!! It was beautiful and they're in love with the idea of the magic floating through the air!
They're in love with an IDEA. MY JOB is to bring that idea to life!!!!!! It's a time that is only going to last maybe 4-5 years where they truly believe in the magic of Santa and it's a time you can't get back. Before you know it, the kids will be grown and can't recall a time they even thought about magic, sparkles, and Santa. . . The time to capture such a beautiful and magical memory is NOW. The end result looks beautiful & effortless. It's magical. It's a moment captured in time and will last forever. The memory your child saw and remembers is now a beautiful painting right in front of their eyes forever!