ALL bad things come to an end. It’s frustrating that so much is out of our control here in Charleston, SC and in the world... The good news is here at Castelo we already naturally do a lot of things right to protect our clients and staff!
- Our studio in West Ashley is quiet, we only take one appointment at a time and typically only 2 - 3 per day maximum - unless it is an event. We are also by appointment only which we have a lot of control over.
- We always wipe down the studio after we use things - props, stands and camera equipment... we also wipe down props before using them. We are always taking home and washing the clothing children wore (if we own it of course)
- We have a cleaning company that comes every two weeks to lysol everything from the bathrooms to the floors.... and now with the times, we are doing that at the end of the day ourselves.
It is during times like these that keeping NORMALCY is extremely important! Putting things in perspective, looking at your children and thinking: I am SO LUCKY to have beautiful healthy children.... looking at your husband and thinking - how did I get so lucky to have you in my life?
STOP FOR ONE MINUTE THIS EVENING WHEN EVERYONE IS HOME AND TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THEM! Your son, daughter, husband, even the dog... just STOP and make sure you do something separately for each one that makes them know just how much you LOVE them. Sometimes it may be that look and smile across the room you share with your spouse . . . the time you take to read your daughter that book she loves or the PB and J with extra PB you make for your son . . . take the 5 minutes. Be grateful. They won't be little forever AND not everyone has what YOU have. I have a lot of fun planned with my 17 year old this evening. . . Its St. Patty's day and we have matching socks :) We have a game night planned... YES I have a ton to do... BUT nothing is more important then the night we have planned! AND tomorrow? Tomorrow is Wednesday... Wednesday is craft night! Me, my mom and my daughter all do "something" together that involves creating. We talk and laugh while we make something.... its a tradition we recently started and I am so looking forward to it!
As for the studio we are SUPER excited about our upcoming ONE DAY EASTER BABY GOAT SESSIONS!!!
My #1 desire is that EVERYONE stays positive and happy. KEEP THE NORMALCY. We are operating just fine and taking extra measures as I mentioned above! Everyone in the world is thinking about how to solve this problem and we will get through it TOGETHER. Remeber to love a little extra. LOVE IS THE KEY. Remember what the Beatles once sang . . . All you need is love!
Want more information on our Easter Portraits?
Just go HERE and we will send you all the information you need about the event!
If you want to see more beautiful artwork which we share often please like our FACEBOOK and our INSTAGRAM pages! We love to share our work and by liking our pages you will see our events come up to!