Traditional portraiture is hands down my favorite work to do! I love families and I love children. Seeing happy families brings such joy to my heart!!!! Family is truly the heart of everything and is what matters most in this world. We come from family, we create family, and we raise families. Dogs also hold a special place in my heart because they become family!
While I do love traditional portraiture, I also love creating unique and timeless BELIEVE portraits! Whether it's A Charleston Santa Experience, A fairy session, or even a fishing session, creating all these beautiful BELIEVE portraits are timeless and gorgeous! You'll see the final product and be like "how did those butterflies get there?" "How did that water get there???" "Those sparkles weren't there!!!!" Why are these sessions so fun and worth it???
Here are *5* reasons why BELIEVE sessions are the best!!!!
1) They capture your children's imagination! You know what I'm talking about! There are only so many years where your children play with dolls or legos and before you know it - they don't make believe anymore. The dolls no longer have little voices and the legos are no longer sky-scrapers. The time your children spend playing make believe is so little - they spend longer being adults and teenagers than they do children and innocent. It's so important to capture that innocence and that imagination! It doesn't last long.
2) It's an experience! A Charleston Santa Experience is so fun and we explain so much in our BLOG posts and in the About the Experience HERE! Fairy & fishing sessions are no different! Fairies dress up and 'earn their wings' while also stepping into an Enchanted Forest! Fishing creates such a fun environment that comes with endless supply of gummy worms to go fishing with! Who knows. . . you might also catch a fish!
3) You can't get these portraits just anywhere. . . THIS is special. This is not just another 'photoshoot' with your children or something you can get on your iPhone! I spent the many years learning and practicing to give you something that can't just be recreated at home!
4) It's something your child is going to remember forever! You're going to be talking about this experience for years to come and you're going to have that priceless reminder to look back on it every day for the rest of your life . . . nothing is better than that!
5) Your child is going to feel special! These sessions are private and the main focus is THEM. No lines, no seeing their friends have the same experience . . . nothing like that! They're special and have everyone's attention! Let them be celebrated!