"How did you get everyone to look?"
That is not a simple answer. I wish I could say I was a magician and told everyone to stand where I needed them to and they all looked, without blinking, smiled, and it was just that easy. Unfortunately, it's not.
Fortunately, I am great at what I do!
As a portrait artist, I have the ability to shoot each individual family separately and paint them together. This is how we work with children and dogs sometimes as well! You're less nervous and anxiety ridden if we do every person/family/animal separately and therefore I'm able to capture the perfect shot every time. We then go through the different portraits and you tell me "I like this person in portrait A but like this person in portrait C" and we paint them together for a flawless portrait. No one can ever tell that the subjects were not in the same room! It can be very time consuming but it is so rewarding to see something come together and look so stunning and exquisite. Continue to scrolling to see this family that came to visit Charleston, SC and capture their family time together! If you continue scrolling past the video, you can see other portraits that were "pieced together" as well!