So, why 40 over 40? Well, because I had a moment of enlightenment recently AND it hit me like a ton of bricks! I’m 47 - yep . . . and I have been feeling a little down lately . . .
Went to a work conference at a dear friends studio and she did something special. VERY special. And it changed everything for me and really made me think…
This is me, Maria Sampaio below, I'm 47 and I'm rarely behind the camera.
You see I focus a lot on children. I love them BUT what my friend Tamara did made me feel, well… beautiful. (And wow did this make me change my perspective)
So what is 40 over 40? Its a new project and if you are over 40 I want you to participate!
Why?Because I know how you feel, I can 100% relate! I know that sometimes you don’t want to be seen. Your hair is not done, makeup is not exciting, you’ve gained a pesky few pounds and the kids are being a source of stress - you are worried, feeling blah…. and … you are tiered! Reality really sets in when, yet ANOTHER wrinkle showed up on your face!!! You’re in a rut and not feeling it. You may not think you deserve the attention or even worse – you want to stay in the shadows and not be seen. Let me tell you WHY you are PERFECT for this project!
Trust me when I am telling you – I AM you. There are days when I feel like I don’t even know what I am doing anymore! Am I a good Mom? Not sure. Good wife? Maybe. Good friend? Feeling like a failure here. Good business owner? Not convinced … and so on.. what is left? Not much, just to sit quietly and hide from the attention. Our poor brains are easily convinced with all the negative self talk to put them through. And it is difficult to change that broken record, isn’t it? Why are we so mean to ourselves? WE CAN change the way we think.
This project is ALL about changing your life for the better, building confidence, spreading the amazing message. Even if you don’t believe it yet, if today is one of those bad days – let me drag the beauty, power, confidence out of you! It can be done! Let’s show the world – we are here to be seen, we are here to offer our wisdom and strengths, to shine (yes, still, even after 40 plenty of shine is left in us!!
Here I am. A 47 year old badass. Period. No other description is needed. Yes, I truly am a badass. I have lived a crazy full life and for that I am grateful BUT I doubt myself sometimes - yep just like everyone. However, when I look back 5, 10, 20 years ago I am like – H.., YEAH (that’s the curse word – fill in the blank. I am unable to curse out loud or in e-mails :-P !!!) You did it ALL. Life is not perfect. It doesn’t have to be. Let’s make the best out of what we have and inspire others to do the same. Who is with me? If you are 40 I want you in this project.
Apply today! Share it with the women who are ready to celebrate their age! Let’s uplift each other!